组织学与胚胎学 教授
个人简介:楊雪松,男,博士生导师;1984年毕业于哈尔滨医科大学临床医学系系,1987年获得哈尔滨医科大学生理学硕士,1997年获得日本东京医科齿科大学医学部生理学博士,1997-1999年间英国曼彻斯特大学博士后研究,而后在英国丹迪大学工作致2007年底。2008年作为特聘教授加入太阳城集团医学院组织与胚胎学系从事教学和科研工作。科研兴趣包括:1)出生缺陷(birth defect)的基因功能学研究(自然科学);2)探索总结教学中的科学问题,提高医学教育质量(教学研究)。迄今为止已经发表SCI学术论文145篇(包括教学研究论文14篇),部分在刊登在国际权威学术期刊(Developmental Cell、Current Biology、PNAS、Development、Development Biology、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Oncogene、Anatomical Sciences Education、Medical Education Online等)
2005-2009,学士 中国药科大学;
1987-1991,哈尔滨医科大学医学院生理系, Assistant & Ph.D;
1984-1987,哈尔滨医科大学医学院生理学, M.Sc;
1979-1984,哈尔滨医科大学医疗系, B.S. Med。
2007-至今,太阳城集团医学院 ,Professor(博导);
1999-2007,英国丹地大学Welcome trust institute,Senior Scientist;
1997-1999 英国曼彻斯特大学生物科学院,Post-Doc。
1. Xin Cheng, Lap Ki Chan, He Li, Xuesong Yang. Histology and Embryology Education in China: The Current Situation and Changes Over the Past 20 Years. Anatomical Sciences Education. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2020 Mar 11. doi: 10.1002/ase.1956. [Epub ahead of print] (影响因子: 4.027, 太阳城集团, 通讯作者, 教学类论文)
2. San-Qiang Pan, Lap Ki Chan, Yu Yan, Xuesong Yang. Survey of gross anatomy education in China: The past and the present. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2020 Feb 27. doi: 10.1002/ase.1952. [Epub ahead of print] (影响因子: 4.027, 太阳城集团, 通讯作者, 教学类论文)
3. Xin Cheng, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Eric Y. Chang, Xuesong Yang. Flipped Classroom Approach: Stimulating Positive Learning Attitudes and Improving Mastery of Histology among Medical Students. Anatomical Sciences Education 2017 Jul;10(4):317-327. doi: 10.1002/ase.1664 (影响因子: 3.198, 太阳城集团, 通讯作者, 教学类论文)
1. Yu Yan#, Guang Wang#, Xin Luo#, Ping Zhang, Shuang Peng, Xin Cheng, Mengwei Wang, Xuesong Yang*. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-related calcium imbalance plays an important role on Zinc oxide nanoparticles-induced failure of neural tube closure during embryogenesis. Environ Int. 2021. 152: 106495. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106495 (IF: 7.577, A1 一区,Top期刊,通讯作者)
2. Denglu Long#, Meng Liu#, Haiyang Li, Jinhuan Song, Xiaohua Jiang, GuangWang* , Xuesong Yang*. Dysbacteriosis induces abnormal neurogenesis via LPS in a pathway requiring NF-κB/IL-6. Pharmacol Res. 167: 105543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2021.105543 (IF: 5.893,共同通讯作者)
3. Guang Wang#, Yu-xuan Hu#, Mei-yao He#, Yun-hai Xie, Wei Su, Deng-lu Long, Ran Zhao, Jing-yun Wang, Chen-yang Dai, Haiyang Li, Zhen-peng Si, Xin Cheng, Rui-man Li, Zhi-jie Li, Xuesong Yang*. Gut-lung dysbiosis accompanied by diabetes mellitus leads to pulmonary fibrotic change through the NF-κB signaling pathway. Am J Pathol. Available online 9 March 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpath.2021.02.019 (IF: 3.491,Top期刊,通讯作者)
4. Jinhuan Song #, Chaojie Wang #, Denglu Long, Ziguang Li, Lingsen You, Beate Brand-Saberi, Guang Wang*, Xuesong Yang*. Dysbacteriosis-induced LPS elevation disturbs the development of muscle progenitor cells by interfering with retinoic acid signaling. FASEB J. 2020 May;34(5):6837-6853. doi: 10.1096/fj.201902965R. (IF: 4.966,Top期刊,共通讯作者)
5. Lingsen You, Liwei Zhu, Pei-zhi Li, Guang Wang, Hongmei Cai, Jinhuan Song, Denglu Long, Zachary Berman, Li Lin, Xin Cheng*, Xuesong Yang*. Dysbacteriosis-derived lipopolysaccharide causes embryonic osteopenia through retinoic acid-regulated DLX5 expression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 Apr 4;21(7). pii: E2518. doi: 10.3390/ijms21072518 (IF: 4.183, Top期刊, 太阳城集团,共通讯作者)
6. Ping Li, Wei-jie Zhu, Zheng-lai Ma, Guang Wang, Hui Peng, Yao Chen, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee,Xuesong Yang. Enhanced beta-catenin expression and inflammation correlate with human ectopic tubal pregnancy. Human Reproduction. 2013, 28 (9):2363-2371. (影响因子: 4.4, 太阳城集团, 通讯作者)
7. Xuesong Yang, Holly Chrisman and Cornelis J. Weijer: PDGF signaling controls the migration of mesoderm cells during chick gastrulation by regulating N-cadherin expression. Development 2008 Oct 135 (21): 3521-3530 (影响因子: 7.1, 太阳城集团)
8. Nick R. Leslie*, Xuesong Yang* (*共同第一作者), C.Peter Downes and Cornelis J. Weijer: PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3)-dependent and -independent roles for PTEN in the control of cell migration. Current Biology 2007 Jan 23; 17(2): 115-25. (影响因子: 11.9)
9. Xuesong Yang, Dirk Dormann, Andrea E. Munsterberg, Cornelis J. Weijer: Cell Movement Patterns during Gastrulation in the Chick Are Controlled by Positive and Negative Chemotaxis Mediated by FGF4 and FGF8. Developmental Cell 2002 Sep; 3(3): 425-37. (影响因子: 15.4)