眼科学研究所 教授
1. Li S, Han Y2, ….Chen J*(通讯作者). In vitro biomimetic platforms featuring a perfusion system and 3D spheroid culture promote the construction of tissue-engineered corneal endothelial layers. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 10;7(1):777.
2. Guo X, Yu R, Xu Y, Lian R, Yu Y, Cui Z, Ji Q, Chen J, Li Z, Liu H, Chen J*(通讯作者). PAC1R agonist maxadilan enhances hADSC viability and neural differentiation potential. J Cell Mol Med. . 2016 May;20(5):874-890.
3. Lian RL, Guo XL, Chen JS*(通讯作者), Guo YL, Zheng JF, Chen YW. Effects of induced pluripotent stem cells-derived conditioned medium on the proliferation and anti-apoptosis of human adipose- derived stem cells. Mol Cell Biochem. 2016 Feb;413(1-2):69-85.
4. Guo X, …..Chen J*(通讯作者). Matrigel and Activin A promote cell-cell contact and anti-apoptotic activity in cultured human retinal pigment epithelium cells. Experimental Eye Research. 2016 Apr 26;147:37-49.
5. Guo X, Lian R, Guo Y, Liu Q, Ji Q, Chen J*(通讯作者). bFGF and Activin A function to promote survival and proliferation of single iPS cells in conditioned half-exchange mTeSR1 medium. Human Cell. 2015, March, 10
6. Guo X, Li Sh, Ji Q, Guo Y, Liu Q, Ji Q, Chen J*. Enhanced viability and neural differential potential in poor post-thaw hADSCs by agarose multi-well dishes and spheroid culture. Human Cell. 2015,June, 09
7. Guo Y, Liu Q, Yang Y, Guo X, Lian R, Li S, Wang C, Zhang S, Chen J*. The Effects of ROCK Inhibitor Y-27632 on Injectable Spheroids of Bovine Corneal Endothelial Cells. Cell Reprogram. 2015, 17(1):77-87.
8. Li H, Dai Y, Shu J, Yu R, Guo Y, Chen J*. Spheroid cultures promote the stemness of corneal stromal cells. Tissue Cell. Tissue Cell. 2015, 47(1):39-48.
9. Dai Y, Guo Y, Wang C, …Chen J(通讯作者). Non-genetic direct reprogramming and biomimetic platforms in a preliminary study for adipose-derived stem cells into corneal endothelia-like cells. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 15;9(10):e109856.
10. Li X, Yang Y, Li Q, Dai Y, Wang C, Chen J. Morphological Characteristics and Proliferation of Rabbit Corneal Stromal Cells onto Complexes of Collagen-Chitosan-Sodium Hyaluronate under Simulated Microgravity. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Oct 21;54(10):6877-85. (SCI, IF:3.44)
11. Li S, Wang C, Dai Y, Yang Y, Pan H, Zhong J, Chen J (通讯作者). The stimulatory effect of ROCK inhibitor on bovine corneal endothelial cells. Tissue Cell. 2013 Dec;45(6):387-96.(IF:1.011)
12. Zhao Z, Yu R, Yang J, Liu X, Tan M, Li H, Chen J (通讯作者), et al. Maxadilan prevents apoptosis in iPS cells and shows no effects on the pluripotent state or karyotype. PLoS One. 2012, 7(3):e33953. (IF:4.351 )
13. Dai Y, Chen J(通讯作者), Li H, Li S, Chen J, Ding Y, Wu J, Wang C, Tan M. Characterizing the effects of VPA, VC and RCCS on rabbit keratocytes onto decellularized bovine cornea. PLoS One. 2012, 7(11):e50114. (IF:4.351 )
14. Chen Jiansu(通讯作者), Chen Rui, Gao Shujing. Morphological characteristics and proliferation of keratocytes cultured under simulated microgravity. Artif Organs. 2007, 31(9):722-31.
15. Chen J(通讯作者), Li Q, Xu J, et al. Study on biocompatibility of complexes of collagen-chitosan-sodium hyaluronate and cornea. Artif Organs. 2005, 29(2):104-13. (The article was in the top 10 articles viewed online in 2005 at Blackwell Synergy )
1、现代眼科治疗学. 彭广华,李志杰,李辰主编. 陈建苏编委, 广东科技出版社,2001年, ISBN: 9787535923905
2、眼免疫性疾病. 李志杰、彭广华、李辰主编. 陈建苏编委. 河南科学技术出版社,2001年,ISBN: 7534922674
3、中西医角膜病学. 张仁俊 徐锦堂 主编,陈建苏编委. 天津科学技术出版社,2004年,ISBN: 9787801942197
4、中华眼科学. 第2(2005年):李凤鸣主编,陈建苏参编. 人民卫生出版社,2005年2月1日, (原眼科全书上中下)(第2版精), ISBN:9787117064651. 第3版:李凤鸣、谢立信主编,陈建苏参编. 人民卫生出版社,2014年9月,ISBN:9787117189484
5、眼烧伤基础理论与临床. 徐锦堂主编,陈建苏编委. 太阳城集团出版社,2007年, ISBN:[9787810798112]
6、眼病的细胞和分子生物学基础. 刘旭阳主编,陈建苏编委.科学出版社,2010年4月第一版日,基础研究,ISBN:978-7-03-026193-9