公共卫生与预防医学系 副教授
个人简介:曾芳芳,系太阳城集团基础医学院流行病学方向副教授,香港中文大学博士后。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和中山大学青年教师培育项目各一项,参与国家自然科学基金项目4项及其他课题多项。迄今为止在J Clin Endocrinol Metab,Br J Cancer和Osteoporos Int等国际著名期刊累计发表SCI论文共 25 篇,其中第一/并列作者 16篇。中文论文8篇。担任Sci Rep及Am J Transl Res等多个杂志审稿人。主要研究方向为营养膳食等因素与慢性疾病关系的人群研究。
2017.09 - 至今,太阳城集团,基础医学院流行病学教研室,副教授
1.Zhu S#, Zeng F#, Xia L, He H, Zhang J*. Incidence rate of breakthrough varicella observed in healthy children after 1 or 2 doses of varicella vaccine: Results from a meta-analysis.Am J Infect Control. 2017 Sep 18. pii: S0196-6553(17)30945-8.
2.Zhou Z#, Zeng F#, Yuan J, Tang J, Colditz GA, Tworoger SS, Trabert B*, Su X*. Pelvic inflammatory disease and the risk of ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis.Cancer Causes Control. 2017 May;28(5):415-428
3.Zhou B#, Su X#, Su D, Zeng F, Wang MH, Huang L, Huang E, Zhu Y, Zhao D, He D, Zhu X, Yeoh E, Zhang R, Ding G*. Dietary intake of manganese and the risk of the metabolic syndrome in a Chinese population. Br J Nutr. 2016 Sep;116(5):853-63.
4.Zeng F#, Wei H#, Yeoh E, Zhang Z, Ren ZF, Colditz GA, Tworoger SS*, Su X*. Inflammatory Markers of CRP, IL6, TNFα, and Soluble TNFR2 and the Risk of Ovarian Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies.Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2016 Aug;25(8):1231-9.
5.Zeng F#, Zhu S#, Wong MC, Yang Z, Tang J, Li K*, Su X*.Associations between nitric oxide synthase 3 gene polymorphisms and preeclampsia risk: a meta-analysis.Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 21;6:23407.
6.Zeng FF, Liu YT, Lin XL, Fan YY, Zhang XL, Xu CH, Chen YM*. Folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and methionine intake and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Chinese adults: A matched case-control study. Br J Nutr. 2016 Jan;115(1):121-8.
7.Wei W, Xin X, Shao B, Zeng FF, Love EJ, Wang BY*. The relationship between anthropometric indices and type 2 diabetes mellitus among adults in north-east China.Public Health Nutr. 2015 Jun;18(9):1675-83.
8.Zeng FF, Xie HL, Fan F, Xue WQ, Wu BH, Zhu HL, Chen YM*. Association of dietary fat intake with the risk of hip fractures in an elderly Chinese population: A matched case-control study. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2015 Oct;15(10):1171-8.
9.Dai XW, Chen YM*, Zeng FF, Sun LL, Chen CG, Su YX*. Association between n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in erythrocytes and metabolic syndrome in Chinese men and women. Eur J Nutr 2015 May 3. [Epub ahead of print], DOI: 10.1007/s00394-015-0912-3
10.Liu S#, Zeng F#, Wang C, Chen Z, Zhao B, Li K*. The nitric oxide synthase 3 G894T polymorphism associated with Alzheimer's disease risk: a meta-analysis.Sci Rep. 2015 Sep 4;5:13598.
11.Li J, Huang Q, Zeng F, Li W, He Z, Chen W, Zhu W, Zhang B. The prognostic value of global DNA hypomethylation in cancer: a meta-analysis.PLoS One. 2014 Sep 3;9(9):e106290.
12.Zeng FF, Sun LL, Liu YH, Xu Y, Guan K, Ling WH, Chen YM*. Higher Erythrocyte n–3 PUFAs Are Associated with Decreased Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese Adults. J Nutr 2014 Aug;144(8):1240-6.
13.Zeng FF, Xue WQ, Cao WT, Wu BH, Xie HL, Fan F, Zhu HL*, Chen YM*. Diet-quality scores and risk of hip fractures in elderly urban Chinese in Guangdong, China: a case–control study. Osteoporos Int 2014 Aug;25(8):2131-41.
14.Xu Y#, Zeng FF#, He LP, Ling WH, Chen WQ, Chen YM*. Comparison of predictive value of cardiometabolic indices for subclinical atherosclerosis in Chinese adults. PLoS ONE 2014 Apr 1;9(4):e93538.
15.Zeng FF, Xu CH, Liu YT, Fan YY, Lin XL, Lu YK, Zhang CX, Chen YM*. Choline and betaine intakes are associated with reduced risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in adults: a case-control study. Br J Cancer 2014 Feb 4;110(3):808-16.
16.Liu J#, Zeng FF#, Liu ZM, Zhang CX, Ling WH, Chen YM*. Effect of blood triglyceride on cardiovascular and all-cause mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 61 prospective studies. Lipids Health Dis 2013 October 29; 2013, 12:159.
17.Zeng FF, Fan F, Xue WQ, Xie HL, Wu BH, Tu SL, Ouyang WF, Chen YM*. The association of red meat, poultry, and egg consumption with risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese: a case-control study. Bone 2013 October; 56(2):242–248.
18.Zeng FF, Wu BH, Fan F, Xie HL, Xue WQ, Zhu HL, Chen YM*. Dietary patterns and the risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese: A matched case-control study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013 Jun;98(6):2347-55.
19.Liu SY#, Zeng FF#, Chen ZW, Wang CY, Zhao B, Li KS*. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene promoter polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease risk: a meta-analysis.CNS Neurosci Ther. 2013 Jul;19(7):469-76.
20.Xu L, Wan X, Huang Z, Zeng F, Wei G, Fang D, Deng W, Li Y*. Impact of vitamin D on chronic kidney diseases in non-dialysis patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.PLoS One. 2013 Apr 23;8(4):e61387.
21.Wei W, Liu SY, Zeng FF, Ma L, Li KS, Wang BY*. Meta-analysis of the association of the C677T polymorphism of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene with hyperuricemia.Ann Nutr Metab. 2012;60(1):44-51.
22.Han GW, Zeng LW, Liang CX, Cheng BL, Yu BS, Li HM, Zeng FF, Liu SY*. Serum levels of IL-33 is increased in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.Clin Rheumatol. 2011 Dec;30(12):1583-8.
23.Wei W, Liu SY, Zeng FF, Yao SP, Zhang HT, Wan G, Zhong M, Yang Z, Wang BY*. Type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in North-China-based rural community adults.Public Health. 2010 Oct;124(10):593-601.
24.Zeng FF, Liu SY, Wei W, Yao SP, Zhu S, Li KS, Wan G, Zhang HT, Zhong M, Wang BY*. Genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase T1 and bladder cancer risk: a meta-analysis.Clin Exp Med. 2010 Mar;10(1):59-68.
25.Liu SY, Zeng FF, Huang GF, Zhou H, Shi YM, Ling H, Wang FX, Wang BY*, Zhou J.Analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 nef gene sequences among inmates from prisons in China.AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2009 May;25(5):525-9.
26.曾芳芳, 刘盛元, 王滨有.乙醇脱氢酶基因多态性与饮酒行为及所致相关疾病的研究进展. 中华疾病控制杂志. 2008,12(2);164-7
27.曾芳芳, 李文, 李迪, 等. HBV YMDD耐药株分子克隆及转化. 哈尔滨医科大学学报. 哈尔滨医科大学学报. 2007,8(2);132-135.
28.He H, Zeng FF, Chen H, Chen YM*. X-Ray Repair Cross-Complementing Group 1 (XRCC1) Genetic Polymorphisms and Risk of Glioma: A Meta-Analysis. Progress in Modern Biomedicine (Chinese). 2014, 14(26):5146-5151.
29.何红, 曾芳芳, 朱明范, 等. 0~6月龄婴儿早期教育综合干预模式对看护人态度的影响.中国儿童保健杂志,2011,19(12):1157-1159.
30.李文, 曾芳芳, 李迪, 等. 石蜡包埋肝癌组织中HBV DNA 载量和基因型的检测. 哈尔滨医科大学学报. 2007,8(2);23-26.