
药理学 教授







个人简介:齐琦,太阳城集团基础医学院与公共卫生学院药理学系,教授,博导。致力于药理学及肿瘤细胞生物研究。迄今为止发表论文90篇,SCI论文84篇, 30篇,其中包括国际知名杂志PNAS, Oncogene, Mol Psychiatry, JMC, Science Signaling, JBC在内SCI第一/通讯作者论文30篇 (总影响因子达到172.768年公布)。研究成果获得国内外同行的广泛关注和高度肯定。现是包括Cancer research,Cancer letters,Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B,Biochemical Pharmacology,Molecular Pharmacology在内的30家SCI收录杂志的特邀审稿人。荣获2016,2018及2020年度中国药理学学会会刊 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica(中科院一区)杰出审稿人奖。Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry编委,《中国临床药理学及治疗学》青年编委;《肿瘤药理学》(2008,北京,化学工业出版)《药理学》(2021,北京,中国医药科技出版社)教材编委。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,广州市基础与应用基础研究项目一项。骨干成员参与国家重点研发计划一项。国家自然科学基金和广东省自然科学基金评审专家。中国抗癌协会抗癌药物专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员,广东省药理学会肿瘤药理学专业委员会常务委员,广东省药理学会药物筛选与评价专业委员会常务委员,广东省抗癌协会抗肿瘤药物专业委员会委员,美国癌症研究协会,国际化学生物学学会,中国细胞生物学学会,中国药理学会及中国生物化学与分子生物学会会员。


2006-2009,中国药科大学, 药理学博士学位 

2003-2006,中国药科大学, 药理学硕士学位 

1999-2003,郑州大学, 药学学士学位 


2018.6-至今,太阳城集团医学院药理系 教授

2016.11-2018.5,埃默里大学医学院药理系化学生物学研发中心 Instructor (美国)

2015.3-2016.10,埃默里大学医学院药理系化学生物学研发中心Research Associate (美国)




1.Cao Q, Luo S, Yao W, Qu Y, Wang N, Hong J, Murayama S, Zhang Z, Chen J, Hashimoto K, Qi Q, Zhang JC. Suppression of abnormal α-synuclein expression by activation of BDNF transcription ameliorates Parkinson’s disease-like pathology. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2022 May 23. (Corresponding author)

2.Yao W, Cao Q, Luo S, He L, Yang C, Chen J, Qi Q, Hashimoto K, Zhang JC. Microglial ERK-NRBP1-CREB-BDNF signaling in sustained antidepressant actions of (R)-ketamine. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Nov 24;. doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01377-7. (Corresponding author)

3.Tang R, Cao QQ, Hu SW, He LJ, Du PF, Chen G, Fu R, Xiao F, Sun YR, Zhang JC, Qi Q. Sulforaphane activates anti-inflammatory microglia, modulating stress resilience associated with BDNF transcription. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2022 Apr;43(4):829-839. (Corresponding author)

4.Liu C, Yang D, Wang H, Hu S, Xie X, Zhang L, Jia H, Qi Q. MicroRNA-197-3p mediates damage to human coronary artery endothelial cells via targeting TIMP3 in Kawasaki disease. Mol Cell Biochem. 2021 Dec;476(12):4245-4263. (Corresponding author)

5.Li CL, Li J, Gong S, Huang M, Li R, Xiong G, Wang F, Zou Q, Qi Q, Yin X. Targeting the ILK/YAP axis by LFG-500 blocks epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis. Acta Pharmacol Sin. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2021 Nov;42(11):1847-1859. (Corresponding author)

6.Li Z, Su J, Sun M, Song J, Sun H, Fan J, Chen G, Shan C, Qi Q, Zhang S. Octamer transcription factor-1 induces the Warburg effect via up-regulation of hexokinase 2 in non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Cell Biochem. 2021 Sep;476(9):3423-3431. (Corresponding author)

7.Yao W, Lin S, Su J, Cao Q, Chen Y, Chen J, Zhang Z, Hashimoto K, Qi Q, Zhang JC. Activation of BDNF by transcription factor Nrf2 contributes to antidepressant-like actions in rodents. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Feb 24;11(1):140. (Corresponding author)

8.Xu M, Qi Q, Men L, Wang S, Li M, Xiao M, Chen X, Wang S, Wang G, Jia H, Liu C. Berberine protects Kawasaki disease-induced human coronary artery endothelial cells dysfunction by inhibiting of oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Vascul Pharmacol. 2020 Apr;127:106660. (Co-first author) 

9.Li X, Tang X, Su J, Xu G, Zhao L, Qi Q. Involvement of E-cadherin/AMPK/mTOR axis in LKB1-induced sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer to gambogic acid. Biochem Pharmacol. 2019 Sep 9;169:113635. (Corresponding author) 

10.Qi Q, Obianyo O, Du Y, Fu H, Li S, Ye K. Blockade of asparagine endopeptidase inhibits cancer metastasis. J Med Chem. 2017 Sep 14;60(17):7244-7255. 

11.Qi Q, Kang SS, Zhang S, Baker SJ, Fu H, Brat DJ, Ye K. Co-amplification of Phosphoinositide 3-kinase enhancer A and Cyclin-dependent kinas 4 Triggers Glioblastoma Progression. Oncogene.  2017 Aug 10;36(32):4562-4572.

12.Qi Q, Li DY, Luo HR, Guan KL, Ye K. Netrin-1 exerts oncogenic activities through enhancing Yes-associated protein stability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jun 9;112(23):7255-60. 

13.Qi Q, He K, Liu X, Pham C, Meyerkord C, Fu H. Ye K. Disrupting the PIKE-A/Akt interaction inhibits glioblastoma cell survival, migration, invasion, and colony formation. Oncogene. 2013 Feb 21;32(8):1030-40. 

14.Qi Q, Liu X, Daniel Brat, Ye K. Merlin sumoylation is required for its tumor suppressor activity. Oncogene. 2014 Oct 9;33(41):4893-903. 

15.Qi Q, Liu X, Li S, Joshi HC, Ye K. Synergistic suppression of noscapine and conventional chemotherapeutics on human glioblastoma cell growth. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2013 Jul;34(7):930-8.  

16.He K, Qi Q, Chan CB, Xiao G, Liu X, Tucher-Burden C, Wang L, Mao H, Lu X, McDonald F, Luo H, Fan Q, Weiss W, Sun S, Brat D, Wang L, Mao H, Fu H, Tao H, Ye K. Blockade of Glioma Proliferation Through Allosteric Inhibition of JAK2. Science signal. 2013 Jul 9;6(283):ra55. (Co-first author) 

17.Qi Q, Ye K. The roles of PIKE in tumorigenesis. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2013 Aug;34(8):991-7.

18.Qi Q, He K, Yoo MH, Chan CB, Liu X, Zhang Z, Olson JJ, Xiao G, Wang L, Mao H, Fu H, Tao H, Ye K. Acridine yellow G blocks glioblastoma growth via dual inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor and protein kinase C kinases. J Biol Chem. 2012 Feb 24;287(9):6113-27. (Co-first author) 

19.Qi Q, Lu N, Li C, Zhao J, Liu W, You Q, Guo Q. Involvement of RECK in gambogic acid induced anti-invasive effect in A549 human lung carcinoma cells. Mol Carcinog. 2015 Jun;54 Suppl 1:E13-25. 

20.Qi Q, Gu H, Yang Y, Lu N, Zhao J, Liu W, Ling H, You QD, Wang X, Guo Q. Involvement of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and 9 in gambogic acid induced suppression of MDA-MB-435 human breast carcinoma cell lung metastasis. J Mol Med. 2008 Dec;86(12):1367-77. 

21.Qi Q, Lu N, Wang XT, Gu HY, Yang Y, Liu W, Li C, You QD, Guo QL. Anti-invasive effect of gambogic acid in MDA-MB-231 human breast carcinoma cells. Biochem Cell Biol. 2008 Oct;86(5):386-95. 

22.Qi Q, You Q, Gu H, Zhao L, Liu W, Lu N, Guo Q. Studies on the toxicity of gambogic acid in rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 May 22;117(3):433-8. 

23.Qi Q, Peng J, Liu W, You Q, Yang Y, Lu N, Wang G, Guo Q. Toxicological studies of wogonin in experimental animals. Phytother Res. 2009 Mar;23(3):417-22.

24. Li C, Qi Q, Lu N, Dai Q, Li F, You QD, Guo QL. Gambogic acid promotes apoptosis and resistance to metastatic potential in MDA-MB-231 human breast carcinoma cells. Biochem Cell Biol. 2012 Dec;90(6):718-30. (Co-first author)

25.Li C, Lu N, Qi Q, Li F, Ling Y, Chen Y, Qin Y, Li Z, Zhang H, You Q, Guo Q. Gambogic acid inhibits tumor cell adhesion by suppressing integrin β1 and membrane lipid rafts-associated integrin signaling pathway. Biochem Pharmacol. 2011 Dec 15;82(12):1873-83. (Co-first author)

26.Peng J, Qi Q, You Q, Hu R, Liu W, Feng F, Wang G, Guo Q. Subchronic toxicity and plasma pharmacokinetic studies on wogonin, a natural flavonoid, in Beagle dogs. J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Jul 15;124(2):257-62. (Co-first author)


1. 《Renin-Angiotensin in Cancer, Lung, Liver and Infectious Diseases》2022, “Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease”Book Series, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 参编;

2. 《药理学》2021,“十四五”规划教材,北京,中国医药科技出版社,参编;

3. 《肿瘤药理学》2008,“研究生教材”北京,化学工业出版, 参编;


Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (IF:6.15, A1一区) 优秀审稿人奖 2020

Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 优秀审稿人奖 2018

Acta Pharmacologica Sinica  优秀审稿人奖 2016








《Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry》(IF:3.396);


受邀31家SCI收录杂志审稿人 (2021发布影响因子)  

Cancer Research (12.701); Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (11.403); Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (11.161); Cancer letters (8.679); Cell Death & Disease (8.469); Free Radical Biology and Medicine (7.376), Food and Chemical Toxicology (6.026); Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (6.15); Biochemical Pharmacology (5.858); Cell Death Discovery (5.241); Laboratory Investigation (5.662); Phytomedicine (5.34); Journal of Molecular Medicine (4.599); Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (5.31); Frontiers in Pharmacology (5.81); Molecular Pharmacology (4.436); Investigational New Drugs (3.85); BMC Cancer (4.43); Journal of Oncology (4.375); Toxicology (4.221); Cancer Management and Research (3.989); Basic &Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (4.08);  OncoTargets and Therapy (4.147); Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (4.429); European Journal of Pharmacology (4.432); PLOS One (2.806); Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (3.396); Pharmacological Reports (2.587); Oncology Letters (3.24); Molecular Medicine Reports (2.952); Neoplasma (2.575);